Monday, February 15, 2010

Pictures and update

Zach at the pumpkin patch

Josh at the pumpkin patch

Leaving to go Trick-or-treating

Visiting his girl friend Isabelle

He misses Mrs. Penny

Josh found the pickle on the tree!

Zach got a new bike!

Okay, so there are some pictures to get through the end of 2009! So much is always going on that I seem to be really bad about keeping this site updated. Early in December I started having worse stomach/abdominal pains than normal. It got to the point that I was swelling so bad that I looked pregnant. After 2 ER visits and a regular doctor visit I started the Celiac diet. My amazing cousin Cami helped me with everything to do with the diet, giving me recipes and things to try. After awhile on the diet the swelling was gone but the pain was not. I know it will take months and maybe years to repair damage done to my body from eating the gluten all this time but the doctor still seemed worried. In January I finally had an appointment with a GI doctor. He ran a slew of blood work and had me come in last week for an EGD/Colonoscopy. What the found was .......nothing. He took several biopsies and removed a single small polyp but basically all he can tell me so far was that my stomach and intestines look inflamed. That's it. Swell. So now I'm back on the diet and trying to ignore the pain daily while trying to keep up with the kiddos. On a happier note! In December Zach finally received his Wolf for cub scouts! He actually earned it earlier but we kept missing pack meeting. He should have earned his bear pretty soon now. Josh turned 6 in January and we took him to Classic Fun Center to celebrate. He is doing well in school though we are still fighting with the ADHD meds he takes. We started a new one that he has to take twice a day but it really seems to be making a difference. I keep waiting for it to snow enough that I can take the boys sledding. Josh has been begging all winter but there is never any snow on the hill to go. Hopefully soon or he is going to go mud slidding.