So things just never go as you plan. However, I have decided to just give up trying to go back and try to catch everything up from the past and just keep up from now on. There for this post will be October so far (fitting for the title right?).
Zach has been playing soccer again this year with his wonderful VIP team. I love this group. They really are out there to have fun and enjoy what they are doing. This is the 20th year that VIP has been a part of the AYSO program so next weekend they get to go to the REAL game again. They will play on the field at half time like they usually do, but unlike the usual, they will get to be on the field before the game to escort both REAL and whoever they are playing out onto the field. It should be a lot of fun.
Grandma Jean has let Josh help decorate for Halloween. He thinks we need a bunch of blow up decorations in the front yard like the neighbors, though luckily settled for orange lights. He also painted some jars like a jack-o-lantern and a ghost (thank you for fun ideas!).
Last Tuesday Grandma and Grandpa Terry came and took the boys to the pumpkin patch. They had a blast riding around in the wheelbarrows and picking out the biggest pumpkins they could find. Josh has been pretty upset that I wouldn't let him carve it yet but once I explained it would be mush by Halloween I think he understood.
The not so fun part of October came last Wednesday. Zach was scheduled for what we thought was going to be a pretty simple dental procedure. He has to be sedated since he won't cooperate otherwise so it was up at Primary Childrens Hospital. Once they got the x-rays though it turned out they had to pull out 8 molars that couldn't fall out on their own and one of them had to be dug out of the bone (not fun!). Now we have to take him to an oral surgeon to find out if more has to be done to get his teeth to grow in. Thankfully now he is doing better and got to go back to school today.
Well, the next 2 weeks will be full of Halloween parties and the game so I will post more soon!