Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Zach and the amazing marble

Why do my kids like to see if they can give me heart attacks? Last Tuesday as I was getting Zach ready for school he started chocking and quit breathing. After sitting him up he started to breath again but seemed to be having a horrible time. I couldn't see anything in his mouth or throat but Christian and I rushed him to the closest hospital. That's where we got this lovely x-ray or the marble in his windpipe. First they were going to transfer him to Primary Children's but when the doctor saw this x-ray he came running out to the ambulance and refused to let us move him. If the marble had moved even a fraction it would have completely blocked his ability to breath! They rushed him into surgery and, thankfully without a tracheotomy, managed to get it out. I would think he would have been bothered by this but he doesn't seem to be. We have scoured the house looking for and throwing away all the marbles we come across (Josh was very sad to see Hungry Hippos disappear) but he seems to keep finding them. Since then I have already had to take 3 more out of his mouth. Whats next!?!?!?!