Monday, October 17, 2011

October so far....

So things just never go as you plan. However, I have decided to just give up trying to go back and try to catch everything up from the past and just keep up from now on. There for this post will be October so far (fitting for the title right?).

Zach has been playing soccer again this year with his wonderful VIP team. I love this group. They really are out there to have fun and enjoy what they are doing. This is the 20th year that VIP has been a part of the AYSO program so next weekend they get to go to the REAL game again. They will play on the field at half time like they usually do, but unlike the usual, they will get to be on the field before the game to escort both REAL and whoever they are playing out onto the field. It should be a lot of fun.
Grandma Jean has let Josh help decorate for Halloween. He thinks we need a bunch of blow up decorations in the front yard like the neighbors, though luckily settled for orange lights. He also painted some jars like a jack-o-lantern and a ghost (thank you for fun ideas!).

Last Tuesday Grandma and Grandpa Terry came and took the boys to the pumpkin patch. They had a blast riding around in the wheelbarrows and picking out the biggest pumpkins they could find. Josh has been pretty upset that I wouldn't let him carve it yet but once I explained it would be mush by Halloween I think he understood.

The not so fun part of October came last Wednesday. Zach was scheduled for what we thought was going to be a pretty simple dental procedure. He has to be sedated since he won't cooperate otherwise so it was up at Primary Childrens Hospital. Once they got the x-rays though it turned out they had to pull out 8 molars that couldn't fall out on their own and one of them had to be dug out of the bone (not fun!). Now we have to take him to an oral surgeon to find out if more has to be done to get his teeth to grow in. Thankfully now he is doing better and got to go back to school today.

Well, the next 2 weeks will be full of Halloween parties and the game so I will post more soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Goodbye Mrs. Warr

This has been a hard week. Josh had the most wonderful kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Warr that we have kept in touch with since leaving that class. Unfortunately she found out last year that she had cancer and this week she passed away. Since 2 of my nieces had her before Josh and Quinn was in her class this year, we decided that we needed to do something special for the kids to say goodbye. My sister Shauna and I had the kids each write a note to Mrs. Warr and we attached it to balloons and then we took them up the the kindergarten playground and let them say goodbye and release the balloons. It was very special and I think meant more to them than trying to sit through a funeral. As the kids all said, "We love you Mrs. Warr, have fun in Heaven!"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Update through pictures

This will take a while but instead of rambling on about everything we did this summer, I thought it would be more fun to just show you! Starting with these 2 events. The Hope Kids Royal Ball and Cub Country!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Favorite Song

I wanted to add this to the playlist but they don't have it available. I know I am overdue for an update and I will do that in the next few days but I really wanted this on the blog. This song as touched me so much over the last little while. It was written by a father whose son was going through cancer. If you get a chance please listen to it. Its called He's My Son by Dallyn Vail Bayles , but her are the lyrics.

Down on my knees again tonight,
I'm hopin' this prayer will turn out right,
See there is a boy that needs your help,
I've done all that I can do myself,
His mother is tired,
I'm sure you can understand,
Each night as he sleeps,
She goes in to hold his hand,
And she tries, not to cry,
As the tears fill her eyes.

Can you hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can you see him?
Can you make him feel alright?
If you can hear me,
Let me take his place somehow,
See he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Sometime late at night I watch him sleep,
I dream of the boy he'd like to be,
I try to be strong and see him through,
But God who he needs right now is you.
Let him grow old,
Live life without this fear,
What would I be,
Living without him here?
He's so tired,
And he's scared,
Let him know,
That you are there.

Can you hear me?
Am I getting through tonight?
Can you see him?
Can you make him feel alright?
If you can hear me,
Let me take his place somehow,
See he's not just anyone, he's my son.

Can you hear me?
Please don't leave him,
He's my son.

Monday, June 20, 2011

WE ARE BACK!!! Biking and Bowling and even Fishing

After an exteneded break from blogging I have made my fabulous return to the blogging world in order to keep everyone up to date on our amazing lives. So far this summer (if you can call it that with the weather we've had) the boys have been very busy. Lets see, we will start with our oldest boy:

Christian is still employed with Morgan Stanley and while he actually only works 5 days a week it sometimes seems like he is glued to the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I guess thats the price I pay for having a smart husband that the team just can't do without. Right now though he is looking at having a pretty nasty surgery done in mid August and we are just waiting for the doctors office to schedule the pretest that has to go with it. In his spare time, he help my parents maintain their yard, takes the kids bowling, fishing, helps me with Zachs therapy, and watches the boys so that I can fulfill my many scout positions.

Melody: What can I say but that life is complicated? I still go to our old ward (did I mention we moved in with my parents again) for Zachs and Joshs scouts. Zach is a Webelos and Josh is a Tiger and this was the only pack he could be in. This is on Wednesday night so I am a leader ther for Josh. Then on Thursday afternoons I am the Den Leader in my new ward for the Wolf pack. Then on Thursday night I am the Den Leader Trainer for the District. Its crazy with 3 scout positions but I love it! When I'm not doing Scouts I'm trying to keep the house clean, taking kids to swimming lessons, going to physical therapy for my back and neck, helping Zach with his physical therapy, and trying to help the kids enjoy their summer.

Zach has continued to blow us away with what he has been able to do. Since he is no longer in the wheelchair, therapy at home this summer is a lot more fun. Basically I have been getting out his bike or walker and letting him go up and down the street until he gets tired. When I first started with the bike he could only go 10 minutes, tonight he went almost 30. It was incredible! He starts his summer school program next week but will miss the first day because he is going to be going to Cub Country with the Scouts (Lucky me, I get to go to!). He loves to go bowling. We use the ramp for his ball but he just walks right up to it and pushes the ball down then waits while someone gets him a new one. He knows how the systems works. Hes also really enjoyed going to some new movies but I think his favorite was Mr. Poppers Penguins as he danced through the entire movie.

Josh has been having a great summer. He has loved having so many boys living so close that he could play with. The minute that I will let him, he is at the door trying to find a friend to play with. The past week we started swimming lessons. He isn't sure he likes this but I think it is something that he needs more than anything. Like his big brother, he would much rather be out fishing with dad, bowling with the family, or riding bikes with his brother. He is very excited for Cub Country as well and is very close to earning his Tiger.

Well, thats us for now, but I promise I will keep this updated from now on!!!!
Zach and Josh fishing with Dad and Grandpa Brian

Bowling with the cousins!!!!!

Josh as swimming lessons!

Bike riding boys!